Surgical Robotics Technology

Innovative Medical Products, Inc. (IMP) and Curexo Inc. announce global strategic distribution partnership combining Curexo’s artificial joint surgical robot, CUVIS-joint, with IMP’s industry...

FLUX GmbH has announced that it has partnered with Product Engineering Services s.a. (PES) to expand its presence in France and Belgium. FLUX develops and manufactures high performance encoders for precise...

Anup Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation has announced that it has successfully completed Robotic Joint Transplant. Both the knees of a London-based British patient were simultaneously transplanted...

Flindr Therapeutics B.V. announces a €20 million Series A financing to advance its pipeline of first-in-class, small molecule inhibitors for treatment of cancer. V-Bio Ventures led the financing alongside...

MicroPort® CRM announces the launch in Europe of TALENTIA™ and ENERGYA™, their new range of Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators (ICDs) and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy and Defibrillation devices (CRT-Ds)...

Medtronic bolstered digital capabilities with the launch of new AI algorithms for post-operative analysis, providing AI surgical insights across laparoscopic and robotic-assisted surgery. This comes alongside...

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