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Surgical Robotics Technology
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UI Health Care’s Robotic Surgery Program Announces 10,000 Procedure Milestone


Megan Mulholland, RN, BSN, prepares an Operating Room and robot for a Robotic Prostatectomy at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. Image Source: University Of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.

UI Health Care’s Perioperative Robotics Program recently announced a significant milestone having completed 10,000 soft-tissue procedures. The program is now performing approximately 100 cases per month.

Dr. David Bender, MD, medical director of robotic surgery says: “Robotic procedures are done across all surgical disciplines for patients in need of surgery—many of whom have cancer,” “Urology, gynecologic oncology, thoracic oncology, general surgery and otolaryngology are among the specialties using this technology every day. “We are able to offer a wider variety of surgical procedures to patients and are witnessing undeniable benefits to them when we use the robot.” 

Source: University Of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

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